Our main focus is to assist Churches. Below is a brief list of some of the services we provide to Churches:
> Evangelism Explosion (EE) Training
* EE Classic: 13 Sessions with role
playing and supervised OJT
* EV2: 7 Sessions with role playing
and supervised OJT
* Share Your Faith: One all-day
session, no role playing or OJT
> Conducting Revivals
> Other Guest Speaking Engagements
(emphasis on the Gospel and salvation)
For those seeking to understand what the Bible has to say concerning salvation and want a more informal non-church environment in which to learn, we are available to spend the time to help.
Contact us and we will arrange with you to schedule a get together.
Because we feel so strongly that the matter of sharing the Gospel is so utterly important to our Lord, we provide our services without any type of obligation to receive compensation from those we serve.
While we do, in fact, accept donations,
we do not mix solicitations and services rendered.
The reality is, however, our ability to continue this ministry does rely solely on the donations we receive from those who feel that our ministry is a worthwhile one. And we appreciate all of you who support us. See our "Donate" page for more info.