Because we do not charge any type of fee for our services, Followers of The Way depends entirely on financial contributions by churches, individuals, and other organizations. Donations are used to meet a variety of needs, including but not limited to the following:
(1) to provide sample training materials to Churches interested in having us train their members and staff so that they can, in turn, effectively share the Gospel with others; (2) to develop tracts and other evangelistic materials; (3) provide bibles and/or evangelistic materials to individuals seeking to learn more about the Bible and biblical salvation; (4) to assist in providing for some of the basic material needs of our Evangelists and Trainers who are committed to the ministry of soul-winning on essentially a full time basis.
To make donating easier for our supporters, we offer a secure online donation option through traditional PayPal, or secured credit card donation (through PayPal) without the need for an account. However, if you prefer to donate by writing a check, please make it payable to Followers of The Way. Donations may be mailed to: PO Box 466076, Lawrenceville GA 30042. To donate now, simply click the button below. Thank you.